Products feature an ultra-compact outside plant cable design that contains bend insensitive fibres, small enough to fit into a 31.75mm (1.25 inches) and 38.1mm (1.5 inches) duct, respectively. In the case of the 1728 fibre design, there is a 21 percent smaller diameter (38 percent volume reduction) over traditional flat ribbon designs. And while the new FlexRibbon™ products provide high packing density, they also feature 200 and 250-micron fibre ribbons that still provide the advantages of mass fusion splicing.
The significantly smaller diameter and lighter weight cables have superior kink resistance and increased flexibility, which allows for easier installation and the use of smaller ducts. This new technology features the best attributes of loose fibre and flat ribbon combined into one.
The latest addition to the family is the 6,912 fibre MassLink™ Cable with FlexRibbon™ Technology, meeting the highest fibre count within the industry. The 6,912 fibre FlexRibbon provides an ultra-compact outside plant cable design that contains 6,912 bend-insensitive fibres, with a cable diameter small enough to fit into a 50.8mm/2” duct. By using FlexRibbon technology, ribbons are rolled up and packed together in small diameter sub-units. Yet, these 200 ųm fibre ribbons still provide the advantages of mass fusion splicing. Originally designed for use by hyper-scale data-centre customers, 6,912 fibre MassLink has potential uses in all telecom markets.