
Get to know our products and solutions

Banner Made in Germany EN

World’s biggest cable solution provider - Made in Germany

We are ready to provide you with state-of-the-art products.
Drum Handling Banner EN

On a roll!

All you need to know to be at the wheel of our cable drums.
Cable Dictionary Banner EN

Take a look into our cable dictionary

Thread your way with the top 100 most common cable terms translated.
Automotive Banner

Peak performance.

Our well-engineered automotive cables will accelerate your business.
Solar Portfolio Banner

Let it shine

Choose your solution from our one-stop-shop PV portfolio.

Catch the sun at home!

Our photovoltaic cable TECSUN Urban is a true sunshine story.
prycharge image


Our electric vehicle charging cables outperform the competition.
Windflex Banner 1200x700

Twist‘n Turn.

Our flexible and twistable Windflex® 66 kV cable is the wave of the future.
Feltoflex Banner EN

Bending the laws of physics.

Our Feltoflex® HV cable is taking flexibility to a new level.
Wind Harnessing Banner EN

Swift as the wind!

Our ready-to-plug MV solutions will connect your wind turbines to the grid in no time.
N2HX Banner EN

Safe cables lead the way.

Our Afumex N2XH and NA2XH cables save lives.

Heat handling

Chill, high temperature is no sweat for our flame-retardant installation cable NHXMH.
NYM Banner EN

A reliable source of energy.

Our NYM installation cable is a true everyday hero.
Data Center

Data Center Solutions

Empowering tomorrow's world
PD Banner EN

We’ll spread your net wider.

Our complete range of Power Distribution cables gives you all the options you need.
 Feltoflex® HV cable


taking flexibility to a new level
Overview Mining Cables EN

Mining cables

Product overview
Catalogue Mining Banner

Our Mining Cable Offer

Main Catalogue
Mining Arctic Banner EN

Chill out!

Our Arctic Mining cables will never freeze.
South Africa Mining Brochure

We are with you down to the core.

Mining cables for the South African Market.
Trommelflex M-PUR Banner

Fast, flexible and safe.

TROMMELFLEX-M-PUR reeling cables – a perfect hit.

Get down to it!

Our new (N)SSHOEU-PUR cable isn’t afraid of getting its hand dirty.
Protomont MT Banner

Tough as old boots.

New Protomont (MT) (N)SSHOEU is lighter and more flexible, yet as gritty as they get.
Sustainable Mining Banner

Good as gold.

Our complete cable offer makes mining more sustainable.
Tenax Lumen Banner

The force will be with you.

TENAX-LUMEN – our self-luminous cable safely brings power to your mobile mining equipment.
Overview Crane Cables EN

Crane cables

Product overview
Crane Catalogue Banner

Our Crane Cable Offer.

Main Catalogue
Protolon Range Banner

Find your flavour!

PROTOLON MV reeling cables – we have the best recipe for every craving.
Crane Arctic Portfolio Banner EN

Stay cool!

Our Arctic Crane cables never get cold feet.
SMK 200 Brochure Banner EN

A Dynamic Duo.

PROTOLON (SMK-200) and CORDAFLEX (SMK-200) reeling cables keep your cargo in balance.
Festoonflex Banner Brochure EN

Simply the best.

Our FESTOONFLEX and TROMMELFLEX PUR cables are better than all the rest.
Protolon IQ Banner

Rolling with us pays off!

PROTOLON(IQ) – a smart reeling cable system saving the day.
Protolon SC Banner

Shut off and just float.

Our PROTOLON Shore Connection cables will keep the ships sustainably energised.
Mobile Harbour Crane


The Ultimate Cable Solution for Your Mobile Harbour Crane.
H07BQ-F Banner EN

Hard Knocks.

Our unyielding H07BQ-F industry cable always stands its ground.
Ozoflex 90 Banner EN

Good as gold!

OZOFLEX™ 90 is your heavyweight champ in harsh areas.
Ozoflex 60 Banner EN

Your knight in shining armour.

Our tough PRYSMIAN H07RN-F will stand up to the elements in the quest of bringing you power.
Arcoflex Banner EN

Get tough!

Welding, hot batteries or similar – PRYSMIAN H01N2-D cables always get the job done.
Rolling Stock Catalogue Banner

Lets Roll!

Choose our complete Rolling Stock cable offer and enjoy the ride.
Railway Banner EN

Fast track to success.

Our complete railway cable offer will make you a winner.
Ozoflex UL Banner EN

Ready to dig in!

Our UL certified waste water cables love getting their hands dirty.
Wasser Banner EN

At its best under pressure.

Main Cable Catalogue for Water Applications.
Defence Banner EN

Specialised to perfection.

All our marine defence cables are VG 95218 approved.
Ship Cable Vessel


Linking the marine industry with superior shipboard cables
Closures Telecom Banner

Time to split!

With our fibre joints and closures, splicing is done in perfect formations.
General Portfolio Telecom Banner

Welcome to the future!

Our complete optical fibre offer opens up a new world of possibilities.
FTTH Telecom Banner

SIROCCO HD brings you fibre density off the chart.

Our FTTH optical fibre system covers it all.
Service Brochure Banner EN

At your service!

Give the signal and we’ll fix all the details for your rubber-insulated cable solutions.
Power Cords Banner EN

Cut to perfection.

Our power cords are perfectly customized to fit your appliances.
NWC Cover Brochure 450x635pxl

Network Components